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Virtual courses, classes, & consultations with healing arts practitioners - Group TeleAnimo and Yolchikawa
The first steps to healing start within conversations.
1 hr
60 US dollarsHelping find harmony through guided Acupressure, Tuia and/or Herbs
1 hr
$40-$60 plus herbs
Madelein S, Indigenous Math Teacher, Restorative Justice Circle Keeper
As a youth organizer and head of household, I carry a lot a responsibility and a lot of stress. TeleAnimo provided a space for individual healing and community accountability. After every session, I felt regenerated and full of joy. Everyday I made an effort to ground myself in a practice they shared with us in a session. As we progressed through each element, I deepened my practice and my connection to the medicine around me and within me. I feel stronger, supported and encouraged to grow into myself at my own pace. For all this and more, I am eternally grateful.
I suffered trauma, like many others, but as a Mexican, what I experience in SanArte is helping me close cycles, and encouraged by Vane and Rachel to self-heal...but not in community, using traditions, love, wisdom and truths. I am learning to nurture my body, mind, spirit as a responsible and loving person.
Denise H.
I felt very aligned with this series. There were classes where I would receive a message or thought earlier in the week or day, and then be able to share with our group, too! I felt this was guided by ancestors to show I'm not alone and I am aligning myself the way I can/should. Over the last few stressful weeks, I have used breathwork to calm me down and recenter. I am so very grateful.