We are dedicated to activate our community to become cultural ambassadors as a way of restoring our dignity and remembering our ancestral strength to encourage us forward with transforming the world into a place where life is honored and respected. We are thankful for this time we have been able to nourish and share with our elders and youth through Prosperemos Juntos, an initiative of the Methodist Health Ministries in conjunction with Fuerza Unida.
Daniela, Rosalia and La Botanica have generously shared traditional foods for these gatherings. Vanessa and Gera offer Yolchikawa sound healings to restore the nervous system and stimulate the creative imagination. We incorporate elements of liberation theater to deconstruct barriers to health equity and uplift solutions embedded in community wisdom. This pilot program is inspiring us to dream bigger for consistent cultural programming and leadership development for parents, youth, elders, educators and domestic worker rights community organizers.